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Are You Taking Care of Your Spine?

A girl taking back massage

The spine is such an incredibly integral part of the human body. We certainly notice when something goes wrong with it since back pain can be such a hindrance to everyday life. But how much is the average person really doing to take care of their spine before problems arise? Here are a few helpful tips for preventing back pain.

The folks at the blog have put together a great guide on steps you can take to keep your spine happy and healthy and hopefully prevent injuries and back pain. Some of these steps are what you would expect, such as practicing good posture and making exercise a regular part of your routine, but there are a few tips you may not have considered. These include:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Taking up swimming
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Using heat therapy before bed even if you’re not sore
  • Treating yourself to regular massages

As you can see, these tips are a combination of general health and wellness tips and enjoyable and relaxing activities.